Category Archives: Blog
What is the Medicine Re-Entry Dreamwork Offers?
Let’s consider the question: why do dreamwork? It takes some investment of time and effort, and most of us are pretty busy with other important things, especially first thing in…
Have You Had a Tree Dream Recently?
I recently had the following dream: I’m at a large educational institution, I have a sense that I am in the 3rd year of a 4-year program. I am with…
Sleep Paralysis–what kind of experience is it?
Have you ever had a dream experience in which you were convinced that you were awake, but you could not move or make a sound? This experience is often referred…
What You Can Do with Dream Re-entry
One powerful way to work with your dreams is to re-enter them and dream them forward.
Animal Dreams
If you have a frightening encounter with an animal in a dream you don’t have to let it end there. Re-enter the dream….slow everything down and give your brain a chance to contextualize and integrate whatever is happening. Now…how do you feel about that animal? If you feel better…what would you like to happen next?
Dreams of Trees
I always sit up and take notice when someone tells me a dream about a tree. Many years ago I became aware that tree dreams seemed to have some special…
Why Didn’t I Say Something?
One of the greatest benefits dreamwork offers us is the chance to change, to learn a new behaviour, a new way of being. To get this benefit we usually have…
Does Killing Energy Have a Place in Dreamwork?
Have you ever had a dream of someone or something that was truly nasty and harmful, something that creeped you right out, terrified or tormented you? Most of us have…
Do You Suffer from Analysis Paralysis ?
It seems like a very simple and natural thing to ask yourself: “What does my dream mean?” We all tend to do it. It’s so fascinating! Could there be any…