3 Kinds of Paralysis That Can Block Your Dreamwork: Part 1– Paralysis from Fear

  Dreamwork can be very dramatic and alive, especially inside dreamwork, the kind where you re-enter your dream, let it come alive again, and move it forward in your imagination….

Inside Dreamwork

Think about your most recent significant dream. You would probably agree that, as you think about it, you are outside of it. It is as if you are looking at…

Just Following Orders

Have you ever had a dream with a threatening figure that behaved like a hired hit man? Most dream figures seem to possess some quality of compassion and humanity, especially…

How Do Sudden Mood Changes Appear in Dreams?

Do you trust your moods? Do you have a reasonable degree of confidence that you will not suddenly feel awful for no apparent reason? If you do you’re one of…

How Many Parts Do You Have?

Have you ever asked yourself– how many parts do I have? How many sub-personalities are living inside me? And what do these parts want? Do any of them have desires…

Gordon Ramsay and the Giant Sushi Rolls

What are you supposed to do when you know your dream is asking you to do something but you’re not sure what it is? Here’s an example–I’m working with a…


A fifty-year-old man recently told me the following dream which he called: “The Colorful Toad”: “I’m in my upstairs office in my house. The room is fairly dark. On the…

Dream of a Dead Brother

I’ve been away from my blogging for awhile, mainly because of a very sad personal event in my life—in early July I got the news that my older brother Ivor…

Three Wolves at the Window

Why do we need to have dreamworkers in the world? This is a fair question; let me try to answer it with a recent dream example from my practice that…

Many Ways to Work With a Dream

I had a striking dream a week ago. I’m calling it “Bulldozing the Tower of Luggage”: I’m in front of my old house (where I lived in as a teenager). Other…